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About Me

Wholehearted Commitment

My name is Dawn.....

Following a successful career in the city, I went on to become mummy to our two wonderful little boys, which was and is by far the hardest job I've ever had but at the same time, the most rewarding!

Our first son slept through the night from around 10 weeks so when we had our second little boy it was somewhat of a shock that he didn't do the same.   After almost two years of rocking and cuddling our son to sleep and getting up to him numerous times through the night, we decided to enlist the help of a sleep consultant, that was the best thing we ever did. Now both boys are at school, I decided that I would love to help people get the sleep that they need.


I have accredited OCN training which means that I am trained in the key models of sleep training and also in the theory and research that underpin them, I also have the experience of what it's actually like to have a child that doesn't sleep so I understand how desperate and unhappy this can make you feel, let me help you.

I’ve been a fully-certified Sleep Consultant since 2016, helping my clients throughout the country resolve their little one's sleep problems, resulting in a much happier household. 

I specialise in creating personalised plans and providing the necessary tools and resources to guide, support, and assist you in achieving your desired outcomes.

The essence of my work is to facilitate understanding by helping identify the source of the issues, so that you can effectively overcome them confidently and for the long-term.


"Sleep is the best meditation" Dalai Lama

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